Crowns are designed to protect the integrity of the tooth. The crown acts as a strong, durable and stable covering for your natural tooth, keeping the entire structure protected from further damage, and restoring the appearance of the tooth.
Crowns are often made of ziconia (artificial diamond), porcelain, metal alloy or both porcelain and metal alloy fused together. Porcelain is a strong material designed to match your natural tooth. The choice of crown material depends on what tooth requires the crown. Your dentist will discuss this with you prior to commencing treatment.
How Do I Know If I Need A Dental Crown?
A dental crown may be advised if:
- Severely discoloured teeth
- Teeth that are cracked or broken and cannot be repaired with a filling
- Tooth decay has weakened the structure of the tooth and it cannot be repaired with a filling
- You have had Root Canal treatment – a crown may be required to reinforce the structure of the tooth
- If you require a Dental Bridge
Crowns require two appointments:
1st Appointment- Crown Preparation
- The dentist will choose the colour of your crown, to match your existing teeth, using a shade guide.
- An impression is taken of the teeth.
- The tooth is then prepared for a crown by the dentist.
- Another impression is taken to record new changes made to the tooth.
- The prepared tooth is then covered with a temporary crown. The temporary crown is not as strong as a natural tooth, so sticky or chewy food items will need to be avoided during this time.
- The impressions are sent to the Laboratory to be made into a crown. This takes 2 – 3 weeks.
- Once the crown has arrived back to the clinic, we will call you to make an appointment for cementation.
2nd Appointment- Cementation
- The temporary crown is removed and the new crown is placed on the prepared tooth
- The dentist checks the fit and colour of the crown.
- The crown is then bonded to the prepared tooth with dental cement.
If you are unsure if this treatment is suitable, please call the clinic to make an appointment with one of our dentists to discuss your concerns and expectations. Depending on your individual needs, our dentist will recommend the ideal treatment to suit you.
Please call the clinic on (07) 49 531 577.